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Touch-free Kitchen Technology

wide shot of a grey and olive coloured touchless kitchen

It is undeniable that the evolution of technology has changed our everyday lives, including how we cook and use our kitchen.  From a wide range of integrated appliances to handle-less furniture systemsthese modern kitchen features allow homeowners to have a long-lasting kitchen design that has the flexibility to achieve their contemporary aesthetic vision. 

What is touch free technology?

Touch free kitchen technology has quickly become a popular kitchen design feature. Customers can now engage with kitchen appliances with a simple swipe of the hand or tap of an app, so you can find the perfect solution to fit your kitchen requirements. 

Why choose touch free kitchen technology?  

From lighting and ovens to taps; touch free technology allows you to control these elements of your home without a single touch of a handle or switch, which not only makes preparing food easier, but is also more hygienic. Convenience is key when it comes to touch free technology; it not only helps to keep your kitchen clean, but gives your kitchen a modern, sleek look. 

Touch free essentials for a modern kitchen

True-Handleless systems – How your kitchen unit’s function can make or break the look and feel of your kitchen space.  Explore the possibilities of true handleless systems, where touch or electric openings can create an elegant and sophisticated look.  

Motion sensor lighting – Task lighting is a key element to consider when designing a kitchen.  Motion sensor lighting integrated within functional units or drawers allows you to carry on cooking without the nuisance of finding a switch or remote control.    

Touchless taps – Motion sensor taps are the perfect addition to a touch free kitchen.  Whilst they are sleek and stylish in form, they are practical and hygienic in function and conserve water by automatically turning off once out of use. 

Get in touch with one of our designers to find out more about touch-free technology for your kitchen. 

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